Explorer Post 203

The Explorer Program

What is the Explorer Program?

Our goal in this program is to provide an avenue for young adults to explore and learn about our chosen careers. This program will introduce our youth to the unique rewards of community services and enhance the recruiting and retention efforts of the fire and law enforcement services.

This program is a joint venture between the Boy Scouts of America, North Spartanburg Fire District and the Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office.

The BSA provides the Explorers with an avenue to pursue their interest in a potential career.

The Post provides everything else: leaders, trainers, equipment, facilities, general knowledge, as well as insurance for the Explorers. All these elements are delivered to the Explorers in a SAFE manner.

Who can enroll in the Explorer Program?

Any young adult between the ages of 14 and 20 can join the program.

This a CO-ED Program. It is open to all community minded youth regardless of gender.

What is expected of each Explorer?

All Explorers are expected to maintain a C average and regular attendance in school.

All Explorers are expected to conduct themselves in a positive manner at all times. You are always a representative of Explorer Post 203.

What is expected of the PARENTS?

SUPPORT YOUR EXPLORER. Remind them constantly of the rewards and pride that community service will bring to them.

SUPPORT YOUR EXPLORER. This is a career orientation program.  It is a mature beginning in their journey to adulthood.

SUPPORT YOUR EXPLORER. Keep them focused on their education and the important things in life.

If you think this is something you may be interested in please complete the form below and we will be in contact with you.